Loft Boarding Wales is expanding! New Sales Assistant hired so we can offer the best customer service at all times. Thanks for your trust and support

Words from Finlay, our Owner

Words from Finlay, our Owner

Welcome to Loft Boarding West Wales, led by Finlay, an experienced craftsman with a passion for elevating living spaces. With over three years of leadership in the loft boarding industry, we specialize in implementing cutting-edge solutions like the Loft Zone system, wooden and aluminum ladders, hatches, and insulation. Serving a vast area across Wales and the west, we ensure every homeowner has access to our award-winning raised loft floors, offering optimal storage and safe access above loft insulation. Our BBA-approved product guarantees quality and peace of mind, even in new build homes, without compromising warranties. 

Contact us today to transform your loft space into a functional and efficient area. We only offer award-winning raised loft floors that provide loft storage and safe access above the full depth of loft insulation. Suitable for both traditional and new buildings, it is the only loft boarding product available with the necessary BBA-approved industry certification, and it won’t invalidate warranties for a new build house.